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Top 10 highest paid programming languages in 2022

The company has 15+ years of experience in digital transformation and software innovation, most notably open-source cloud-native programs. However, the same site also has live job ads offering up to £100,000 plus benefits and bonuses for lead and full stack JavaScript developer roles, suggesting the survey data may be out of date. Regionally, the highest JavaScript developer salaries are offered in Baden-Württemberg where the average is €5864 a month or €72,710 a year and lowest in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern at €4176 a month or €51,781 a year.

javascript developer salary europe

It is predicted that the average annual salary for JavaScript developers in Ukraine will grow in the next five years by 37% to $21k (₴597k). If to look at another statistical source – Payscale, it turns out that the average JavaScript developers’ salary in Switzerland is $97k (CHF 88k). When comparing, be sure to check another statistic, according to which the average salary in Germany is $90k (€76k) per year. Trying to find out what the average salary for JavaScript developers in the UK is per year, we turned to the Salaryexpert platform.

Average JavaScript developer salaries in Ukraine

As you can see, JavaScript developers can find themselves earning a cool six figures in some major US cities such as Portland and Washington DC. What’s perhaps a little surprising that they stand to earn more in Los Angeles and Boston than in New York and San Francisco, which typically command higher tech wages. According to their report, 53.6% of employers worldwide say they need JavaScript skills, yet only 42% of student developers say they are proficient in the language. To learn more about the skills and qualifications required for a career in JavaScript development, we recommend browsing job sites such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and GitHub Jobs. Under key qualifications, they ask for a deep understanding of frontend JavaScript development together with expertise in JavaScript libraries such as React.js and Redux.

It puts the top end of the range for JavaScript developers in the UK at £70,000 per annum or £5833 a month. JavaScript is among those programming languages that are important to get the job desired. This is why developers around the world consider learning and including JavaScript in their resume as a key to their careers. The point is that JavaScript is closely tied to client-side software development, which is crucial when it comes to grabbing the users’ attention and converting them into clients.

Remote Freelance JavaScript Developer Jobs with Top Global Clients

In Los Angeles, a junior developer will cost you $83,000, whereas in New York their colleagues make $88,000. In the capital city Warsaw the JavaScript software engineer salary is slightly higher. If you decide to hire a junior specialist, it will cost $39K per year.

  • Be prepared to pay between $78,000 and $120,000 a year for a good JS developer in the US.
  • The US is one of the countries that pay developers the highest salaries, but it certainly isn’t the only place where programming talent has great earning potential.
  • In the next chart we can see the salaries distribution by programming language in 2022.
  • Here we’ll look at data from the region’s two largest labour markets for software developers and other IT specialists – Poland and Ukraine.
  • The data is based on 1500 reported salaries across the UK and over 700 in London.

The USA is the biggest labour market in the world for software developers and IT specialists but supply is tight, pushing salaries up in recent years. The jobs portal talent.com says the average JavaScript developer in the USA earns $114,277 annually, or $9523 a month. Based on 10,000 salaries, uk.talent.com estimates the average annual JavaScript developer salary at £50,000, or £4167 a month. At the lower end of the range, the jobs portal puts junior roles as commanding around £40,000 per annum or £3333 a month.

How Much Will I Earn as a JavaScript Developer? The Ultimate 2023 Salary Guide

However, the lower end of the range for more junior Node.js developers drops to a more realistic $70,000 per annum. The full range is also very similar, starting at CHF75,000 annually for the bottom ten percentile and rising to CHF122,500 in the top ten percentile. However, in recent years there has been a notable contraction in the costs gap with software developer salary ranges, especially at the more senior level, narrowing between geographies. Based on a rich dataset of 9001 salaries, the jobs portal uk.talent.com puts the median average salary range for Node.js developers in the UK at £55,000 a year, or £4583 a month.

javascript developer salary europe

As a freelance Developer, you’ll enjoy the freedom to choose your own JavaScript Developer jobs with leading Fortune 500 companies and startups, as well as the flexibility to work remotely on your terms. When you hire a JavaScript programmer, it is important to ask them the correct questions in the interview round. You must ask them all about soft skills as well as hard skills with the help of the following questions for an accurate assessment. An in-house developer is a huge commitment as a developer like this will cost you the most of all these options. It is simply not effective to hire in-house professionals for a short time because of the long recruitment process and high onboarding costs.

Average JavaScript developer salary in the U.S., 2020

Select a program, get paired with an expert mentor and tutor, and become a job-ready designer, developer, or analyst from scratch, or your money back. As you can see, JavaScript developers are both in-demand and well-paid. To round off our salary report, we investigated whether company size also has an impact on how much you can earn as a JavaScript expert in the United States. Once again, we’ve referred to the most recent data available on PayScale. Even more than in North America, it’s important to consider here the cost of living in each city when looking at whether it’s the one that you’d like to start applying for JavaScript developer salaries in.

Node.js developers in big demand with the JavaScript runtime one of the most popular choices for the back end development of scalable network applications and web development more generally. Its role as part of the JavaScript family of web technologies javascript developer salary europe means it integrates particularly well with application front ends built on JavaScript frameworks and libraries like React, Angular and Vue. There are more than 200 programming languages that one could learn but which are the one that pay the most?

JavaScript Developer Salary Trends in Germany

In Copenhagen it is $56 (DKK 350), while in the whole of Denmark it is $52 (DKK 328). However, according to this source, a JavaScript engineer in the Netherlands makes €15 per hour. If you look at the level of annual salaries by cities, the figures available for Amsterdam are €58k. As it will become clear further, the salary level in Berlin is higher than in the rest of Germany. The city where a JavaScript specialist is located affects his/her salary level.

To gain a better overview of what a career as a JavaScript developer entails, let’s consider some real-world job descriptions. There are many different routes you can take within web development, and your earning potential depends on a variety of factors.

Countries with the Highest JavaScript Developer Median Salary, August 2022:

It is noteworthy that a significant leap in salaries is achieved by developers of the entry-level and middle level. At the same time, there is a slight difference in salaries of specialists with 19 years of experience and specialists with more than 20 years of experience. For those with JS knowledge, the positions of the front-end developer are available; it is also possible to engage in web application development. By the way, the average salary for a JavaScript developer in the USA is the same as for a front developer – about $117,439 per year.

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